
Error on New Docker Install

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Good Morning,

Recently came across this project which looked very interesting for my Spanish learning journey! I was able to spin up an instance of LWT using the docker setup steps. However, I get the following error when trying to setup my first language. Do you have any ideas? This can probably be labelled as a question.

Fatal Error in SQL Query: INSERT INTO languages ( LgName, LgDict1URI, LgDict2URI, LgGoogleTranslateURI, LgExportTemplate, LgTextSize, LgCharacterSubstitutions, LgRegexpSplitSentences, LgExceptionsSplitSentences, LgRegexpWordCharacters, LgRemoveSpaces, LgSplitEachChar, LgRightToLeft, LgTTSVoiceAPI, LgShowRomanization ) VALUES('Spanish', '', NULL, '', NULL, '150', '', '.!?:;', '', '\'a-zA-ZÀ-ÖØ-öø-ȳЀ-ӹ', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1)

Error Code & Message: [1054] Unknown column 'LgTTSVoiceAPI' in 'field list'

Good morning, it seems that the database did not update correctly. It think it comes from a bug we fixed today (HugoFara/lwt#189)! You can do any of the following:

  • Update the project's image (the fix will be included). Go to the folder where you have you Dockerfile and type
docker compose down
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
  • Download the latest release (2.9.1)

I hope that will help you!

Thanks for the quick reply. I gave that a shot, but still running into same error:

Error Code & Message: [1048] Column 'LgTTSVoiceAPI' cannot be null

Here is the server info if at all helpful:


It's a real bug indeed, I was able to reproduce it.

For now you can avoid it by:

  1. Go to the language creation tab.
  2. Fill any value in the voice API (see picture)
    voice API field
  3. Save the language.

If you want to have the audio back for the language:

  1. Edit the language you just created
  2. Remove the value in the Voice API field.

I'm working on a fix at the same time.

The fix was published as well, you can update at any time, have a good day!