
"Error: Missing or insufficient permissions" when importing from

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to create an event from Conference-Hall, but it seems there is a problem with the new version of Conference-Hall.

In my current browser (with authentication already done) I have these messages

When I try in a new browser (or in a private window) the authentication fails.
I see this message in the dev tools :

Le chargement de « » dans un cadre est refusé par la directive « X-Frame-Options » définie à « sameorigin ».

Concerning the message "Missing or insufficient permissions", as I understand the code (I'm not a Firebase/Firestore expert), the problem may come from this configuration. The values may be invalid with the new version of conference-hall.

const config = {

Hi Xavier, sorry for the delay, I'm OOO.
ConferenceHall new version has a whole new backend, without Firebase/Firestore.
I've started some preliminary work to support incoming webhook for ConferenceHall to push data into OpenPlanner, but it's not ready yet, see #139

So the current todo would be to:

  • disable all ConferenceHall integration in OpenPlanner ASAP to reflect the current status, linking to this issue
  • finish the API to implement the webhook
  • add a new API method for ConferenceHall with a specific access token reusing the already made feature on the API
  • work on ConferenceHall (I think Benjamin would take care of that) next.

👌 no problem

I think this year I'll have to create sessions and speakers for DevFest Dijon manually 🙂
As said, I'm not completely comfortable with the stack in place.
However, if there are any simple changes, I can always look into it. Feel free to let me know.

I'll try to finish up a first version of the api this week so you can at least import all talks and speakers in batch