
Listbox is the full height of the window

Closed this issue ยท 11 comments

bertob commented

Listboxes should only be as large as the content, i.e. just one row tall in this case.


Huluti commented

@A6GibKm Hello! can't find a way to have the scrolledwindow follow the growth of the listbox. Myabe you could have an idea?

This prob means that the list box has valign set to something other than start

bertob commented

Another connected issue: The scrollbar should be on the view, not on the content (i.e. all the way on the edge). There shouldn't be padding around the scrollview (see the cut-off content at the top and bottom).


Huluti commented

@bertob inital issue fixed on master with the valign property (thanks @A6GibKm !!).

without margins on the listbox it gives something weird with the border (shadows are hided):

The usual container structure for a list box is

  GtkScrolledWindow: (if this is an AdwWindow, the scrolled window might require vexpand=True)
    AdwClamp: (Here you would put margin-end, margin-start, etc)

probably here you have the margin or padding in the wrong place.

Huluti commented


@bertob is it the wanted behavior? (pushed in master if you want to try it)

bertob commented

No, the padding all around the view seems to still be there (note the scrollbar not being on the window ege, and the cut-off content at the bottom).

those would be the margins on mainbox.

Also I would set pixel-size to 48 or something like that on the images, at the current size it might be abetter idea to just remove them

Huluti commented


So much better! ๐Ÿ˜Ž A big thank you to both of you!

bertob commented

Looks good to me now, thanks!