
Changes orientation of pics

Opened this issue · 4 comments

If you first take a photo with the wrong orientation, but then changes it to the correct orientation, Curtail changes the orientation back to the original orientation on the minimized image it produces. This means I have to open a second application after Curtail to change the orientation again, which kinda defeats the point. Hope you'll be able to look into this. Let me know if you need an example photo. Thanks! :)

Curtail 1.7.0

Huluti commented

Thanks! Even by enabling the option "preserve attributes" in settings?


Sorry to look into that just now but can you precise on which image format please and if you can share also your Curtail settings 🙏

Sure! I've had this issue with jpgs taken with my Fairphone 4.

Here's the preferences:

Screenshot from 2023-10-10 17-17-21

Screenshot from 2023-10-10 17-17-40