
0.0.32 is not the latest version, source code different with github

stevezkw1998 opened this issue · 1 comments

for example,

The position of self.cookies = cookies is different

the code from 0.0.32

class Client(object):
    def __init__(
        url: str = None,
        api_key: str = None,
        extra_headers: dict = None,
        cookies: dict = None,
        """Initialize the client. Do this before using other Label Studio SDK classes and methods in your script.

        url: str
            Label Studio host address.
            Example: http://localhost:8080
        api_key: str
            User token for the API. You can find this on your user account page in Label Studio.
        credentials: ClientCredentials
            User email and password or api_key.
        session: requests.Session()
            If None, a new one is created.
        extra_headers: dict
            Additional headers that will be passed to each http request
        cookies: dict
            Cookies that will be passed to each http request.
        oidc_token: str
            Bearer token for proxy authentication - in case the server is behind an authenticating proxy.
        versions: dict
            Versions of Label Studio components for the connected instance
        make_request_raise: bool
            If true, make_request will raise exceptions on request errors
        if not url:
            url = os.getenv('LABEL_STUDIO_URL', LABEL_STUDIO_DEFAULT_URL)
        self.url = url.rstrip('/')
        self.make_request_raise = make_request_raise
        self.session = session or self.get_session()

        # set api key or get it using credentials (username and password)
        if api_key is None and credentials is None:
            api_key = os.getenv('LABEL_STUDIO_API_KEY')

        if api_key is not None:
            credentials = ClientCredentials(api_key=api_key)
        self.api_key = (
            if credentials.api_key
            else self.get_api_key(credentials)

        # set headers
        self.headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {self.api_key}'}
        if oidc_token:
            self.headers.update({'Proxy-Authorization': f'Bearer {oidc_token}'})
        if extra_headers:

        # set cookies
        self.cookies = cookies

        # set versions from /version endpoint
        self.versions = versions if versions else self.get_versions()
        self.is_enterprise = 'label-studio-enterprise-backend' in self.versions

This code from github master branch

class Client(object):
    def __init__(
        url: str = None,
        api_key: str = None,
        extra_headers: dict = None,
        cookies: dict = None,
        """Initialize the client. Do this before using other Label Studio SDK classes and methods in your script.

        url: str
            Label Studio host address.
            Example: http://localhost:8080
        api_key: str
            User token for the API. You can find this on your user account page in Label Studio.
        credentials: ClientCredentials
            User email and password or api_key.
        session: requests.Session()
            If None, a new one is created.
        extra_headers: dict
            Additional headers that will be passed to each http request
        cookies: dict
            Cookies that will be passed to each http request.
        oidc_token: str
            Bearer token for proxy authentication - in case the server is behind an authenticating proxy.
        versions: dict
            Versions of Label Studio components for the connected instance
        make_request_raise: bool
            If true, make_request will raise exceptions on request errors
        if not url:
            url = os.getenv('LABEL_STUDIO_URL', LABEL_STUDIO_DEFAULT_URL)
        self.url = url.rstrip('/')
        self.make_request_raise = make_request_raise
        self.session = session or self.get_session()

        # set cookies
        self.cookies = cookies

        # set api key or get it using credentials (username and password)
        if api_key is None and credentials is None:
            api_key = os.getenv('LABEL_STUDIO_API_KEY')

        if api_key is not None:
            credentials = ClientCredentials(api_key=api_key)
        self.api_key = (
            if credentials.api_key
            else self.get_api_key(credentials)

        # set headers
        self.headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {self.api_key}'}
        if oidc_token:
            self.headers.update({'Proxy-Authorization': f'Bearer {oidc_token}'})
        if extra_headers:

        # set versions from /version endpoint
        self.versions = versions if versions else self.get_versions()
        self.is_enterprise = 'label-studio-enterprise-backend' in self.versions

When will the latest version be released?
0.0.32 has bugs!

Ran into the same issue, .32 has a bug where you can't use credentials without api key since the cookies field is accessed before it is instantiated.