
Timeout error at 10sec when importing task with large image

fares-ipgp opened this issue · 1 comments

When importing a task with project.import_task('path_to_image'), there is a timeout of 10 seconds and large images (20Mb) cant upload. When using WebUI it works ok.

After modifying the timeout in the import_tasks function fom (10,600) to (100,600) it worked ok...

            # try import from file
            if not os.path.isfile(tasks):
                raise LabelStudioException(f'Not found import tasks file {tasks}')
            with open(tasks, mode='rb') as f:
                response = self.make_request(
                    files={'file': f},
                    timeout=(100, 600), ## ORIGINAL: timeout=(10, 600),

I am confused because I would expect to have a 600s timeout for the upload but the limit is given by the first number (10 in the original code).

Same problem. Would be nice to pass timeout as an optional argument