Classes I wrote previously don't come as option after re-opening labelImg in PASCAL VOC format. How do I open/start where I left after closing labelImg ?
Pranjalpok7 opened this issue · 0 comments
Pranjalpok7 commented
I am annotating 10,000 images in XML(pascal voc) format. If I close labelImg after annotating some images and re-open it again. It shows the images from the beginning. This was not a problem while I was labelling the images in yolo format.
In YOLO I would type: labelImg [ imagepath] [ class.txt path] in the terminal and it would open where I left. Since there is no pre-defined class file in xml like yolo. How do I address this issue ?
Also, the classes I wrote previously don't come as option after re-opening labelImg again.
- **OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- **PyQt version: PyQt 5.15.9