

YInfeRnal opened this issue · 38 comments

Describe the Bug | A Clear & Concise Description of Bug
when i enter ambulance shop to buy vehicle in ambulance i got that error
esx_advanvedvehicleshop/client/main.lua:248: please ?

Have you looked through the Closed Topics?: y
Have you looked through the Wiki?: y
What Version of es_extended are you using?: exm
Are you using a Pre-Installed ESX?: no
Are you using Essentialmode?: y
Are you using OneSync?: y
Linux or Windows?: w

Did you edit the sql?

Whats the full error if you have it?

whats wrong?

police shop fix

It could be many thins.

  1. For instance it could be your advancedparamedic is too long of a category name. Try shortening the names of your categories. You can leave the labels.
  2. A vehicle model can't be found.

a vehicle model is fine but i try 1 now

It seems you are also missing the category for paramedic3

i dont have paramedic 3 grade :small

Well look at this image

ID 18, 19, & 20 for the category say paramedic3

shht thats my fail
i dont have paramedic3 :D :D but i add it here :D
wait i fix it

Also what is the point in having all those grades if they have access to the same vehicles. Honestly its a cluster fuck.

Salary? :D
i removed paramedic3 still not working...
i cut advanced paramedic but sitll not work


thats my ambulance grade

So you removed ID 18, 19, & 20 from vs_ambulance_categories

this all my tables :

for the policejob is fixes and have no problem but when i setjob to ambulance and go to ambulance shop error happen and game frezzed you need to do freeze unfreeze
can you do with anydesk maybe?

whats wrong you think?

So you don't have any problems with the police one. Whats your grades & categories look like for police

no i dont have any problem with police one

Can you send pictures of your police stuff

yes wait

thats my police work with no any problem

Can you export & send me the files for vs_ambulance, vs_ambulance_categories, & job_grades

yes wait

thats the video from what happen

So when i downloaded those files for me it shows this:

  1. For vs_ambulance - (3, 'Ambulance 1', 'lsambulance', 200, 'emt1\r\n'),
  2. For vs_ambulance_categories - ('emt1\r\n', 'EMT 1'),

wtf why this happen in the phpmyadmin its fixed !
wait i try that

the problem is fixed
why in phpmyadmin its not like this ahh
bro thanks you this is not your scrip problem but you help me to fix my problem thanks for your help

Not a problem.

Also that many grades just for salary is kinda dumb. Honestly if your setting this up for a Private server then it would be fine but if your trying to setup a Public Server good luck as it doesn't look that great. If i was you i would re-write your grades & Categories. (This is the best option as for me my grades are like this) for Fire/Rescue. You should probably do the same thing for your Police. Its just looks better to have actual ranks.