
Newly bought cars go straight to impound

BrennanG0526 opened this issue · 11 comments

Describe the Bug | A Clear & Concise Description of Bug
Everytime I buy a vehicle, it puts it instantly into the impound and I have to go pay the $300 to retrieve it. I have looked through the configs, server, and client files but could not find anything pertaining to this specific issue.

Have you made changes to anything in client/main.lua or server/main.lua?: No
Have you looked through the Closed Topics?: Yes
Have you looked through the Wiki?: Yes
Are you using a Pre-Installed ESX? If Yes who?: No
Are you using es_extended? If Yes what Version? (Example: 1.2): es_extended 1Final
Are you using Essentialmode?: Yes
Are you using ExtendedMode?: No
Are you using OneSync?: yes
Linux or Windows?: Windows

Post image of ur owned_vehicles structure.

Is that what you wanted?

oh structure, sorry hold on

Any errors in the F8 console or the server console when purchasing the vehicle.

I have one about not being able to show a notification in the server/main.lua file on line 828. But I commented out that line just to see if there would be anything else and there wasn't.

If your having that issue then you didn't setup ESX correctly.

Are you using EssentialMode or es_extended V1 Final or ExtendedMode?
Have you tried Commenting that line out & then restarting the Script and purchasing a vehicle again.

Normally if your having issues with showing a Notification the reason is your not using es_extended V1 Final located here

Okay thanks. I thought I had everything installed correctly, odds are I don’t lol. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow (I need to stop staying up until 4am). Thanks for your fast responses by the way :)

And also, yeah I restarted the server after commenting out those lines and got no more errors. But still no luck actually spawning the vehicle after buying it.

Hello ! I have the same error but I waited 15 minutes. You should know that in the db that you put with, the primary keys are on the names and models, but this is not possible. So I put them on the ids. Can it be that? Thank you :)