Secretary needs start/stop/send/redact options
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Redacting messages have been addressed with a5728ac
not sure what you mean by start/stop. Could you elaborate?
There has to be a start and end point for meetings.
Only contributions posted between the start and end form part of the official record of a meeting.
Also I would expect start to be the point at which attendance starts to be collected. Only people present during a meeting count towards quorum.
AIUI the quorum is only required for beginning the meeting, so an end point I think is moot.
As for the start point, I'm asking around for suggestions on what would be a good fit.
AIUI the meeting has to start before quorum can be assessed.
The meeting can only proceed beyond a certain point once quorum has been reached.
There has to be an end point; further posts must not be included in the meeting report.