
sun.misc.Cleaner class not found

lambdaschmied2 opened this issue · 4 comments

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun.misc.Cleaner

I've been trying to get a HumbleUI app running as a native executable (GraalVM).
When executing the uberjar (with aot), the mentioned error is thrown. (I followed this approach btw.:
As stated in this post, it is one of the packages removed from Java 9 and can be fixed by adding requires jdk.unsupported; to
I tried to test it locally but I wasn't able to properly integrate the local Skija build into the Clojure project.

Building the uberjar with Java 8 wouldn't work because other packages are compiled with Java 11.

This is probably because uberdeps doesn’t know how to build multi-release jar. I’ll look into it

Try building uberjar with --multi-release flag?

[~/ws/humbleui] clj -M:uberjar --aliases dev --multi-release
[uberdeps] Packaging target/humbleui.jar...
+ dev/**
+ test/**
+ src/**
! Duplicate entry ".DS_Store" from "src/**" already seen in "dev/**"
+ resources/**
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
+ criterium/criterium #:mvn{:version "0.4.6"}
+ io.github.humbleui/jwm #:mvn{:version "0.4.12"}
+ io.github.humbleui/skija-linux #:mvn{:version "0.109.0"}
.   io.github.humbleui/skija-shared #:mvn{:version "0.109.0"}
+ io.github.humbleui/skija-macos-arm64 #:mvn{:version "0.109.0"}
-   skipping duplicate lib io.github.humbleui/skija-shared #:mvn{:version 0.109.0}
+ io.github.humbleui/skija-macos-x64 #:mvn{:version "0.109.0"}
-   skipping duplicate lib io.github.humbleui/skija-shared #:mvn{:version 0.109.0}
+ io.github.humbleui/skija-windows #:mvn{:version "0.109.0"}
-   skipping duplicate lib io.github.humbleui/skija-shared #:mvn{:version 0.109.0}
+ io.github.humbleui/types$clojure #:mvn{:version "0.2.0"}
! Duplicate entry "META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class" from "io.github.humbleui/types$clojure #:mvn{:version "0.2.0"}" already seen in "io.github.humbleui/skija-shared #:mvn{:version "0.109.0"}"
+ nrepl/nrepl #:mvn{:version "1.0.0"}
+ org.clojure/clojure #:mvn{:version "1.11.1"}
.   org.clojure/core.specs.alpha #:mvn{:version "0.2.62"}
.   org.clojure/spec.alpha #:mvn{:version "0.3.218"}
+ org.clojure/tools.namespace #:mvn{:version "1.3.0"}
.   org.clojure/java.classpath #:mvn{:version "1.0.0"}
.   org.clojure/tools.reader #:mvn{:version "1.3.6"}
[uberdeps] Packaged target/humbleui.jar in 4286 ms
[~/ws/humbleui] java -cp target/humbleui.jar clojure.main -m user
nREPL server started on port 49228 on host localhost - nrepl://localhost:49228

Uberdeps 1.2.0 should now also auto-detect multi-release jars and set the flag automatically. It’ll also remove all module-info.class from uberjar. Let me know if that works for you (I haven’t checked with Graal, but works on normal Java 18)

Works for me now as well. Thanks!
GraalVM produces a new error - although it is related to JWM now.
So this issue is all cleared up 👌🏼