- 0
client.connect().wait error
#44 opened by painterjia - 0
How to run huobi_Cpp on Centos7
#43 opened by harryfhng - 0
#41 opened by tsuribaka - 1
Fatal Error While Compling include.h
#40 opened by ubaidfayyaz - 0
#39 opened by LONGMIAOMIAO - 0
asynchronous REST
#37 opened by niXman - 2
The server CPU is FULL
#34 opened by Eric-Sunjian - 2
demo Aborted
#35 opened by Eric-Sunjian - 3
Websocket client is being destroyed
#36 opened by ForeverZyh - 1
coredump for websocketMarketdemo
#31 opened by jcsfh - 3
wss api: TLS Short Read
#29 opened by sylinuxhy - 2
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如何支持代理,能否给出cpprest wss代理的示例
#28 opened by sylinuxhy - 1
- 1
- 3
Decimal.h 一堆编译告警
#18 opened by gpmn - 1
src/Logger.cpp 句柄用尽bug
#19 opened by xiongyang - 5
示例中的 SubscribeCandleStickEvent 不能成功运行
#20 opened by arthasyey - 2
find a bug in SDK
#15 opened by jxq96 - 1
subscribe price depth
#14 opened by jxq96 - 0
#7 opened by chynphh - 1
Any plan to support windows?
#3 opened by sawyer-chen - 5
- 1