
Mycelium Growth and Structural Compression Datasets


Mycelium Growth and Structural Compression Datasets

This repository contains a dataset for monitoring mycelium growth, including images, geometrical parametres and structural testing data. The dataset was created as part of a thesis project within the Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research ITECH MSc. Program at the University of Stuttgart in 2023.



Directory Structure

|   | 00_curve_segments_images/
|   |   |-- S0_F1_0_0.jpg
|   |   |-- S1_F1_1_2.jpg
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- 01_skin_scans_outer_curves/
|   |   |-- S0_F1_0_Skin.jpg
|   |   |-- S1_F1_1_Skin.jpg
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- 02_skin_scans_infill/
|       |-- S0_0_Infill.jpg
|       |-- S1_1_Infill.jpg
|       |-- ...
|-- 01_structural_dataset/
|   |-- 00_samples_parameters.csv
|   |-- 00_samples_compression_test/
|   |   |-- 0.csv
|   |   |-- 1.csv
|   |   |-- ...
|-- 02_raw_skin_scans/
|   |-- raw_skin_scan1.jpg
|   |-- raw_skin_scan2.jpg
|   |-- ...
|-- 03_raw_growth_images/
|   |-- raw_growth_image1.jpg
|   |-- raw_growth_image2.jpg
|   |-- ...
|-- README.md

Naming Convention


  • Images in folder (00_curve_segments_images): (S0_F1_0_0.jpg) Sample 0, Face 1, Segment 0, Growth Hour 0
  • Images in folder (01_skin_scans_outer_curves): (S1_F1_0_Skin.jpg) Sample 1, Face 1, Segment 0
  • Images in folder (02_skin_scans_infill): (S3_0_Infill.jpg) Sample 3, Segment 0

General Information

This dataset was created by Hussamaldeen Gomaa, Yara Karazi, and Wai Man Chau, supervised by Eliza Biala and Zuardin Akbar, under the ITECH MSc. Program at the University of Stuttgart in 2023. The collaboration involved the Department for Computing in Architecture at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD/CA), the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE), and the Institute for Building Construction (IBK).

Contributors and Acknowledgements

  • Main contributors: Hussamaldeen Gomaa, Yara Karazi, Wai Man Chau, Eliza Biala, Zuardin Akbar.
  • Supervisors: Eliza Biala, Zuardin Akbar, Thomas Wortmann, Martin Ostermann.
  • Additional contributors: Tzu-Ying Chen: structural testing assistance, Mai Thi Nguyen: lab experimentation support, Michael Schneider and Andreas Kulla: sample post-processing.
  • All laboratory experiments and sample production were conducted at the Future Matter Lab (FUMA), part of the IBK, University of Stuttgart.


Partially funded by BMBF "Ideenwettbewerbs Biologisierung der Technik" (grant number 13XP5154) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2120/1 – 390831618.


This dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.