
Upload grenade to Hackage (when its ready)

Closed this issue ยท 13 comments

erikd commented

To be able to upload it to Hackage, I think we need to de-mafia-ize it.

Not sure if a Hackage upload was on your radar.


I'm not sure if this is relevant. But, I managed to build Grenade with Nix. The corresponding package set is avaliable here.

I had to change Grenade's version requirement on QuickCheck. I also had to override a few of the dependencies, as the versions that are currently in the nixpkgs-unstable channel seemed incompatible.

Maybe this is useful to you in some way.

erikd commented

Building it is not really the issue. To make it as easy as possible for someone to have a look at it, it should be cabal install-able, and for that it has to be build-able using just raw cabal and packages available from Hackage.

Seems like a good idea, the biggest issue I foresee is the hmatrix submodule, which is pre-release 0.18.
A hackage release for grenade isn't on the cards just yet, there might be a bit too much api thrash.

erikd commented

Probably something to look at after the 0.18 hmatrix release.

hmatrix 0.18 is released on both hackage and in stackage nightly. Please oh please could you revisit this?

I was able to get it to work by commenting out tests, updating the optparse-applicative dependency (0.14), and importing Data.Monoid in a couple places.

Makes me happy to see you're interested.

Sorry though, I'm still not quite ready for a hackage release as I'm pushing on the API on 3 fronts: recurrent nets, actual DAG nets, and trying to make the update and learning algorithm more general; I would like to make its persistence a bit better than what I have in #15 as well.

I would say though, you should be able to use grenade with mafia by putting it in a git submodule and the mafia script at the top level.

erikd commented

I've started using mafia to build some of my own stuff and therefore beginning to dislike the title I gave this issue. Mafia is a wonderful tool and the fact that mafia is the recommended build tool is not the issue. The issue is that grenade should be cabal-installable from Hackage.

@HuwCampbell Not rushing you on this, but I will change the title on this ticket to reflect the actual request more accurately.

I think I will do this soon, once Jack makes it to hackage and I stabilise the serialisation.

Is there some sign that Jack will ever be made hackage ready?

I've been maintaining my own branch of the code that doesn't require mafia just to avoid it.

It's @jystic 's project, and I know he's planning on doing it when everything is comfortable.

Hedgehog is now released and I have removed all submodules, so this is now very much on the cards.
