
one last problem when trying to convert to Idris2

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I appreciate you haven't looked at this library for a long time however if you are still interested, I've been trying to get it to work with Idris 2. I have only one function left that's giving me issues (apart from Examples.idr but I think that will be easier to solve). The last error can be seen by getting the master branch from and trying to build with idris2 idris2 --build lens.ipkg

It looks like you figured it out?

yes, someone on the Idris Slack channel helped out. Are you still interested in maintaining this library?

Yes, to a degree.
I'm not hugely using Idris at the moment, but it's a skill to maintain.

Do you want commit access?

No it's ok, I'll open a PR. I would like a review but if you don't have time you can merge it anyway, better than just giving me commit access for now I think.

I do have an issue that you might help with. In Ex7 you don't have Additive in Idris 2 since you can have named instances of Monoid for Nat. However why do I need a Monoid at all in this case?

  f : Either (String, Nat) Int -> Nat
  f = view (_Left . _2)

Seems like it has the signature f : Monoid m => Either (a, m) b -> Nat but it's just view (_Left . _2) which seems like a prism that shouldn't need a monoid?

ah, so the Idris slack channel helped me understand this. It's because you are using a prism on a view and in your implementation that compiles as long as you have a default value (i.e. the monoid I'm missing).