Example - oneD
Closed this issue · 1 comments
I am trying to run the oneD example as decribed in the tutorial:
Roger runs (no errors)
activate roger
python oneD.py
Three .nc files are created in the directory
The postprocessing.py throws an error at l. 76.
conda install -c conda-forge xarray
python post_processing.py
File .\miniconda3\envs\roger\lib\site-packages\xarray\core\dataset.py", line 1353, in _construct_dataarray
variable = self._variables[name]
KeyError: 'aet'
The state_hm.nc file seems to be empty.
ds_sim = xr.open_dataset(states_hm_file, engine="h5netcdf")
Dimensions: ()
Data variables:
date_created: 2023-04-19T16:11:44.897225
title: RoGeR simulations (Tutorial)
institution: University of Freiburg, Chair of Hydrology
comment: First timestep (t=0) contains initial values. Simulatio...
model_structure: 1D model with free drainage
roger_version: 0+untagged.1096.g6e55c3b.dirty
Are the example files flawed?
The variable "aet" is missing in the config.yml. Either add it to line 38 of config.yml or you remove "aet" in line 80 of post_processing.py. I'll fix the bug and upload the modified config.yml.