

Click here for demo video 


Being a frequent traveler,we used to stand in the long queue for the check-in purpose. Rather than waiting along the line, they prefer to have a simple procedure that allows them to go directly to their room. Most of the hotels are still adopting the traditional way of check-in which will affect daily operations. Mobile check-in will free up staff time so that they can concentrate on delivering their service. During the covid-19 pandemic, we want to emphasize on contactless check-in where it benefits the hotel guests and hotel staff. To provide the leading edge platform to inspire hotel organizations in Malaysia and the Asean region to all business travellers, vacation travellers, families, tour group and handicapped guest

What it does

The user required to download the app anywhere from the playstore or by scanning QR code. Prior to check in, they need to search for a QR code nearby and scan the code to check in. Guest required to fill up the check-in details. After submission, Hotel front desk staff required to verify the latest guests details before handing over the room key.

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Save time. Fill in the forms right away in your fingertips even before you reach the hotel

Drives more revenue. Capture customer contact data which help hotel grow their email lists which can help to promote hotel activities.

Convenient. Mobile check-in allow guests to check-in from anywhere before they set foot in a hotel.

Efficient. Smooth check-in process will allows the staff to keep up with their activities efficiently.

Reliability. The ability to provide what was promised, dependably and accurately ; make sure the hotel front desk staff correctly identify guest needs, promise only what can deliver and follow through to ensure that the service was received as promised.

Assurance. Take the time to serve guests one at a time. Provide service assertively by using positive communication techniques and describing products and services accurately.

How we built it

Android Studio, Java, Firebase, Andriod SDK, Adobe Premier Pro, UI-UX, Adobe XD.

Challenges we ran into

Absence of standard UI for android, choice of programming language, software fragmentation.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We successfully built the next generation mobile check-in app which provides a contactless solution (specially in the post Covid situation).

What we learned

Teamwork. We conducted live meeting from the validation of idea, development stages and submission.

Service Mission. The direction or vision of an organization that supports day-to-day interaction with the guest

Delivery system. The ways an organization deliver its products and services.

What's next for instaCheckIn

The integration with the hotel PMS ( property management system ) where it will sync the room availability. Payment method integration with payment gateway to enable guests to make payment right after the guests filled up the form. Products and services. The materials, products and services that are state of the art, competitively priced and meet the needs of guests.

How to use

instaCheckIn for business

  • Click on Register
  • Get your hotel registered to instaCheckIn service by filling up necessary details.
  • Then login and click Generate QR (bottom right) to get your unique QR code.
  • Print multiple copies of the qr code and stick them up in various places in and around your reception area so that incoming tourist’s can scan them.
  • Login to the app and you will be presented with a live ,dynamically updating list of customers (with the most recent customer at top).
  • Click on a particular tourist and you will be directed to the form(read-only) that the tourist filled in with the tourist id and signature.
  • Once you are satisfied with the details , click on the verify button and the customer will be sent a verification notification to their phone, to come and collect the room key.
  • When the customer arrives at the desk, ask them to show the notification on their phone, and finally hand over the key.


  • Find the nearby QR code and scan.
  • Fill up the registration form and click submit button.
  • Once done, upload an id proof and also give your digital signature on the signature pad, and then submit the form.
  • Form submitted, please wait for a notification for your room key.
  • After the tourist gets the notification, then they are required to go the reception and show the notification and collect the room key.