
snap-plugin-publisher-influxdb in snap or snap-goddd fails in the publisher job

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Error message:

2017-04-20T21:29:09.071491776Z time="2017-04-20T21:29:09Z" level=error msg="error with publisher job" _module=scheduler-job block=run error="rpc error: code = 4 desc = context deadline exceeded" job-type=publisher plugin-config=map[skip-verify:{false} port:{8086} https:{false} precision:{ns} isMultiFields:{false} scheme:{http} retention:{autogen} host:{influxsrv} database:{snap} user:{root} password:{hyperpilot}] plugin-name=influxdb plugin-version=-1

Usually after 10 consecutive failures all the related plugins are stopped and killed, preventing the snap service from starting. This problem is sometimes fixed by deleting and restarting snap (or snap-goddd).