
JSCS linter on Docker.

MIT LicenseMIT


A Dockerfile for the JSCS (JavaScript Code Style) linter.

Use the following command to run it :

sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/lint hyzual/jscs path/to/folder/to/lint

It expects the code to lint to be in the /lint folder. You can pass JSCS CLI arguments directly to the container, e.g.

sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/lint hyzual/jscs path/to/folder/to/lint --verbose

JSCS (JavaScript Code Style)

JSCS is a linter for the Javascript language. It is aimed at enforcing code style rules only as opposed to JSHint which is focused on finding errors.

To configure it, create a .jscsrc file in the folder you want to lint and complete it with JSCS options and rules.