
JSHint linter on Docker.

MIT LicenseMIT


A Dockerfile for the JSHint Javascript linter.

Use the following command to run it :

sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/lint hyzual/jshint path/to/folder/to/lint

It expects the code to lint to be in the /lint folder. You can pass jshint CLI arguments directly to the container, e.g.

sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/lint hyzual/jshint path/to/folder/to/lint --verbose


JSHint is a linter for the Javascript language. It is aimed at finding errors regardless of code style as opposed to JSCS which is focused on enforcing code style rules.

To configure it, create a .jshintrc file in the folder you want to lint and complete it with jshint options and rules.