
arm_verdex and arm_rpi2 not booting

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arm_verdex crashes on boot:

[PM         ]Ctor: memory region from physical 0x0 to 0x0x76a000 of type 1
[PM         ]Ctor: usable memory region: start_page: 0, end_page: 1898, type: 1
[PM         ]Ctor: Marking stuff mapped in above 2 and < 3 gig as used
[PM         ]Ctor: Marking GRUB loaded modules as reserved
[PM         ]Ctor: module: start_page: 0, end_page: 267
KERNEL PANIC: Assertion bit_number < size_ failed in File sweb/common/source/util/Bitmap.cpp on Line 37

arm_rpi2 does not produce any console output and just shows a black screen

arm_rpi2 works again with 7855b61