
64bit backtraces are missing

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Backtraces should at least print the return addresses!

To print pretty backtraces i see different options:

  1. parse dwarf-2
  2. pass the information somehow else... (which might be easier)

i think this issue is not up2date anymore, don't we have 64bit backtraces now?

fkirc commented

I debugged for 64 bit yesterday, there are still no backtraces

should be in https://github.com/IAIK/sweb/commits/devel but that code is not tested much....

fkirc commented

I think that when this backtrace code is working well, and when 64 bit archmemory gets a detailed review looking for possible remaining bugs, then it might be doable to shift to 64 bit default next semester

They are now implemented (4d518f6)