
After first deploy, video frames are processed but not the audio

l2fprod opened this issue · 5 comments

Seems to come from an issue registering the Speech to Text callback in the toolchain.

The call to register fails with an error 406. It could be due to a concurrency issue where the speechtotext web action is not yet exposed by OpenWhisk when we try to call it during registration.

A re-run of the pipeline usually solves the issue.

{"code":400,"code_description":"Bad Request","error":"unable to register callback url '', callback server responded with status code 406"}

After a re-run of the pipeline, I keep experiencing the same issue. Is there anyway I can fix this?


I have the feeling something as changed in Watson STT. There was a bug where they were sending application/json as content type but expecting text. It seems they are now sending "Accept: text/plain". However the OpenWhisk action is still returning application/json and OpenWhisk does not like the mismatch. I'm looking into it now.


The Watson STT "Accept" header changed from application/json to text/plain. This explains the 406. This commit a95478e fixes this.

I'm getting this same issue now. It looks like the action is being called by STT but STT doesn't like the reply. Here is what the vision/speechtotext action reports in the logs:
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/plain"
"body": "uNuCKwTrYjbdKM3V"

[OK] args.__ow_method= get  args.challenge_string= uNuCKwTrYjbdKM3V
Replying to a challenge request from Watson Speech to Text...
[OK] Challenge accepted!

I wonder if the encryption changed? I will look further.