FfDL CLI output is not properly machine parsable

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Using the ffdl cli to get a model, returns YAML or JSON, but in both cases an header line "Getting model xyz" is included, which breaks parsing.

# ffdl show training-II-h6nxmR --json 
Getting model 'training-II-h6nxmR'...
	"Payload": {
		"model_id": "training-II-h6nxmR",

Both JSON|YAML and the message are sent to stdout so the only way to separate them is to grep...

# ffdl show training-II-h6nxmR --json | egrep -v "^Getting model" | jq
  "completed": "1539854246722",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "status_description": "COMPLETED",
  "submitted": "1539853988330"