
Data Connection and Virtualization Typos

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Module 'Data Connection and Virtualization for Admins' fixes for typo's and UI changes:

  • Think we should change module name to remove 'Admins'. Either leave it without admins or make it 'Data Engineers'
  • Instructions say "Find the tables you created earlier...". Change since the participants may not be loading their own data.
  • Instructions say "Let's see the new virtualized data from the Data Virtualization tool by clicking View my data.". The UI has changed and now should say "Let's see the new virtualized data from the Data Virtualization tool by clicking View my virtualized data." (Screenshot is already updated).
  • Typo on 'ou'll be notified that the join has succeeded! "
  • Add note to section 2 that it only needs to be completed if there are non-data engineers that will use the data.

Fixed in upstream and pulled here in PR #188