
Make technical configuration files compatible with manual editing

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The IBM Db2 for z/OS Developer extension creates and manages some technical files.
These files are in json format.

Some files are managed in the VS Code (or equivalent) workspace, most often a Git repository, and can be edited via a VS Code editor, and they are "well formatted", i.e. "human readable":

  • .db2devextconfig.json

Other files are managed outside the workspace, in the VS Code user settings folder (%APPDATA%\<--user-data-dir>\User\globalStorage\ibm.db2forzosdeveloperextension on Windows), they are not "well formatted", i.e. not "human readable":

  • connections.json
  • editor_connections.json
  • host_variable_suggestions.json

Normally these files should not be edited directly, but as part of a process of industrialization of the deployment of tools and the automation of the implementation of operating parameters, we are required to work on these files.

Moreover, this management is planned and documented: Sharing connection definitions

Our experience has shown us that if we modified the structure of one of these "user" files outside of the extension's internal process, then they were no longer recognized and caused errors in the operation of the extension.

We therefore wish:

  1. that the "user" files are "well formatted", i.e. "human readable", (currently these files do not have line breaks or level indentations)
  2. that they accept Windows end-of-line sequence \r\n and not just the Unix end-of-line sequence \n

Corollary to the previous point, would it be possible to document the structure of the extension's configuration json files, perhaps through json validation schemas?

The connections.json file uses what appears to be a GUID to identify each connection.
Is this GUID meaningful or does it just need to be unique?
