
Catalog Navigation - Total row count ?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Development environment where the bug occurred

  • Db2 Developer Extension version: v.2.1.0
  • Editor platform
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Eclipse Theia
  • Editor platform version: 1.74.1
  • Operating system on which your editor runs (for example, Windows 10 2004 or MacOS Catalina 10.15.7): Kubuntu 22.04
  • Java Version (Run java -version and paste the details here): openjdk 14.0.2
  • Db2 for z/OS version (including function level for Db2 12): V12R1M500
  • Log files attached?: No

Problem description

When opening a catalog view (regardless whether Databases, SG, ...) the "Total rows" displays a "?".
When clicking on the question mark the row count is retrieved and displayed. I would expect that the row count is already there when the catalog view is opened.

Hi @FKSKFirm,

Thank you for your feedback. "Total rows: ?" as the default is the intended design as we wanted users to have more control over what and how many queries to run against Db2. I will mark this as an enhancement for now.