
OSS package for message queues

robinsg opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm looking at developing a couple of python3 programs to read QUADJRN and QHST using the DB2 for i services to generate syslog entries.

I was hoping to use MQTT to have the entries persisted so that a third program can read the entries from the queue and send them to the syslog server.

I don't see MQTT in the repos for IBM i. Do we have any other message queue options available?

If not o suppose I could use itoolkit and utilise a *USRSPC.

paho-mqtt should be installable without issue using pip. You still need a broker, but ActiveMQ supports that:

I know other customers have also used IBM i data queues as well (using itoolkit).

Apache Camel can also quite easily do routing into MQTT and other protocols. See (the 'camel' directory]( for some examples.

For what it's worth, the contents of the repos only represent a small fraction of a percent of the technologies that can be used on IBM i. Lots of community-accessible technology runs (and support is available for many)