
[Fixup] Camel examples need cleanup

Opened this issue · 2 comments

What example(s) need improvement?

All the Camel examples

What improvement(s) could be made?

  • All should wait on a loop that checks if the context is stopped, rather than just sleeping forever (even better = use the main support shutdown policy that has a wait function)
  • Update dependency versions to latest
  • Stop doing URL encoding in the properties helper class (like so) and instead use RAW() when needed
  • Include the Maven plugin to build in all dependencies into a single jar (example)
  • Update the documentation to use mvn package and java rather than mvn exec::java

Failing setup in db2_bash/ ... library COOLSTUFF doesn't get created.
Trying it manually as in

$ system -i "RUNSQL SQL('create schema coolstuff')"
CPD000D: Command *LIBL/RUNSQL not safe for a multithreaded job.
$ [ -e /qsys.lib/COOLSTUFF.LIB ]
$ echo $?

Whattabout if you omit the -i?