In Maximo APM V8.8.0 Lab, I get a BMXAA3901E error on "Update the Site ID and the Org ID" in step 4 of "Run the Notebook" in "Load Utilities Data into Manage".
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In Maximo APM V8.8.0 Lab, I get a BMXAA3901E error on "Update the Site ID and the Org ID" in step 4 of "Run the Notebook" in "Load Utilities Data into Manage". Do you know the solution?
The error message is as follows.
!python3 $DATA_LOADER_PATH/ $ORGID $SITEID | tee log.txt
!if grep -q "'status': '400'" log.txt; then exit 1; fi
error api request:
url=, method=post, status_code=400, response_text={"Error":{"errorattrname":"addresscode","extendedError":{"moreInfo":{"href":"http:\/\/localhost\/maximo\/api\/error\/messages\/BMXAA3901E"}},"errorobjpath":"organization\/site\/billtoshipto","correlationid":"1","errattrvalue":null,"reasonCode":"BMXAA3901E","message":"BMXAA3901E - \u4f4f\u6240\u30b3\u30fc\u30c9\u304c\u7121\u52b9\u3067\u3059\u3002","statusCode":"400"}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/hpu/dataloader/", line 148, in <module>
File "/tmp/hpu/dataloader/", line 131, in create_siteid
if resp.status_code in [200,201,204]:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status_code'
Hi @kokoji Some things to try.
Does the org or site you are trying to create already exist? If so try to use a different name.
Are you using the sample data your instructor provided? Use correct data. When I search on "BMXAA3901E " I found this
Add the following code to see what the response was from manage. share the log.txt file.
if resp.status_code in [200,201,204]:
print("Create org id step4 completed successfully")
return resp
It's no response. And the error message is BMXAA3901E invalid address code .
The address code looks hard coded in Should I change its address code? If so, how can I verify the correct address code?
File "/tmp/hpu/dataloader/", line 147, in create_siteid
print("resp: ",resp.json())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'json'
@MollyGu-CN Can you please have a look.
If it's a jpn env, please change the command in the notebook for create org and site.
!python3 $DATA_LOADER_PATH/ $ORGID $SITEID | tee log.txt
!python3 $DATA_LOADER_PATH/ $ORGID $SITEID | tee log.txt
Also you will need use jpn data set, currently now we only has the substation transformer jpn version in the lab repo.
!unzip /project_data/data_asset/ -d /tmp/hpu/csv >> /dev/null
os.environ['DATA_PATH'] = '/tmp/hpu/csv/hpu_csv_st_jpn'
os.environ['ORGID'] = 'EUORG6'
os.environ['SITEID'] = 'EUDEMO6'
!python3 $DATA_LOADER_PATH/ $ORGID $SITEID | tee log.txt
!if grep -q "'status': '400'" log.txt; then exit 1; fi
Create org id step1 completed successfully
Create org id step2 completed successfully
Create org id step3 completed successfully
Create org id step4 completed successfully