
Cyrillic letter es with descender should look differently

flashymittens opened this issue · 5 comments

In IBM Plex fonts Cyrillic letters of es with descender (Ҫ U+04AA, ҫ U+04AB) look like a normal vertical line, a descender, however they likely should look more like cyrillic letters es with cedilla, which do not exist in Unicode as separate codepoints for some reason.

This is what says in a PDF¹ on those letters in Cyrillic range:

  • Bashkir, Chuvash
  • letterforms with right hooks are preferred, although occasional variants with left hooks occur
  • in Chuvashia, letterforms identical to or similar in form to 00E7 ç regularly occur

Even the text mentions a hook, not a vertical line. And I have no idea why that is.

And indeed those two letters in Chuvash (CV) look identical to Latin letters of c with cedilla (capital and small). At least that's what we were taught back in the day.

Among the fonts it's all over the place. Noto, for one, uses a differently looking hook (see the screenshot below), which is not ideal, but still preferable over a vertical line.

A comparison of characters between IBM Plex Sans and Noto Sans


Thanks for reporting! We’ll discuss this with our Cyrillic experts.