
[website] change all mentions of "Plex Condensed" to "Plex Sans Condensed"

julesatgthb opened this issue · 11 comments


First, many thanks for the font - I've been using it for 2 years.
Now, millions of characters later, I stumbled on this (and on my own ignorance):

a) There's the IBM Plex Sans Cond that everyone keeps talking about, and using - present company included, but
b) There's an IBM Plex Condensed advertised on IBM's website:

Initially, I though this was the naming / abbreviation issue.
However, the difference between the fonts is substantial - take a look at the infamous 'g'.
Can anyone look into this and shed some light, please?
Or am I mixing up the golf balls? :)

Many thanks,

There is only one condensed version of IBM Plex Sans which -- depending on your operating system or application -- might show up either as “IBM Plex Sans Cond” or ”IBM Plex Sans Condensed” in font menus.

I’m not sure what image of a “g” you are referring to but the fonts in question contain two versions: the double-storey g is the default form, and there is a single-storey g as stylistic alternate.

Dear Paul / BoldMonday,

Thank you for emboldening my Sunday!
...And liberating the world from Helvetica - we, the World, thank you.
Perhaps you could add Roboto next to your hit list, please...? :)

I'm aware of the abbreviation of 'condensed' to 'cond' in, say, Word's font menu.
However, what I have on my end is IBM Plex Sans Cond, with the double-decker '𝗀' only.
Yet, on IBM's website - in the specs menu from where you took your image - there's

  • the Sans (without the cond) and with '𝗀' and 'g'
  • the Condensed (without the sans) with just the 'g'

...Which got me asking, did I break the font? Known to happen...
...Or maybe it's a Windows / Word nonsense - I do use Open, not TrueType...
For example, when I type ¼, Word maps it to IBM Plex Mono, not Cond - which, nonetheless, I prefer, with that beautiful interrupted slash. Yet, Word does this with either True or Open type, and the font files, say, IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf, Mono-Regular.ttf, or SansCondensed-Regular.ttf, neither shows me two gs, just the one '𝗀', in U+0067, as one would expect...

Still, ignore me - I'm happy with the fractions in the same way I'm happy with '𝗀' - there's no need for that 'g' - not at all, I was just - o. m. ⎵ . - maybe I'm using the wrong font files...?
Anyhow... Many thanks!
Truly appreciate you taking the time.
Enjoy your weekend, or what's left of it.

PS - Talking about fractions, this would be liberating too: ⅒
...And, while we're at it... ℚ ℝ ℤ ℕ 𝑛 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 ⎴ ≪ ≫ ∈ ∋ ∧ ∨ ∴ ≲ ≳ ◁ ⬧ & Co. ➊... Ⓐ...
...But more importantly U+1F384

kenmcd commented

IBM Plex Sans Condensed - Regular (v1.3/v1.003)
from Release v6.3.0 -

Alternate g is accessed via ss02 or salt (or aalt)


You can also "freeze" those features into your own custom version using either:

Ah, I see there is a typo on the Plex website!

All the drop down menus on are listing
“IBM Plex Condensed” whereas there should be “IBM Plex Sans Condensed”.

@mjabbink: can this be fixed?


@BoldMonday - Yep, that's the menu that got me disturbing your weekend.

@kenmcd - brilliant stuff! Many, many thanks! Every day is a school day.
I'm on FontFreeze, having a blast! I'll be here for days! The pleasure of remapping font tables and overriding Office - genius!
The OT Feature Freezer is 404ing me to font off...

Anyhow, thank you all. Appreciate you looking into this - truly do.

Thanks for finding this and I will make an issue to fix but this will probably take some time due to resources and priorities.

@julesatgthb The condensed should have both g’s and the double-decker is default and the single story an alternate.

Dear Mike (et al.),

No worries; none at all. I'm already thankful for you taking the time.
It's all good, really. I was just taken aback a bit, thinking I'd broken another font.
The truth is I love the double-decker. This other 'g' is just a misguided 'a' - like the 'Is' who think their 'ls'...?

Thank you.
You can close this.

Let's keep this issue open until the website has been updated.

I've tried all stylistic sets and alternates under MS Word, and could not replicate the design of the "Plex Condensed" font (as seen on the website) using the "Plex Sans Condensed" files from Github. They look like extremely different fonts... (look at the uppercase Q, I etc.)

@Shot2 Your comments seem unrelated to the issue discussed here.
Feel free to open a new issue where you describe in detail the problem. Please include screenshots too.