
Improve arbic number

navid-ahrary opened this issue · 5 comments

The arabic numbers are unclear, specifically when some zeros place together


Thank you for your feedback. But it needs more context.

What do you expect instead?
Are there examples of other typefaces that are better in your opinion?
Please elaborate and consider that your explanation will be read by non-native readers too.

Sorry for confusing.

The previous screenshot was zoom-in. But in real world situation like below screenshot, the readability is going to be harder.

Now look at this number. This font is "IRANSans".
Eyes could easily distinguish between zeros.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen a circled form for zero in Persian numbers:

We need to check with a native designer in order to establish whether this is an issue or not.

Thank you.

Additionally, an open circle design for a 0 is only a design/stylistic choice. For IBM Arabic the design team had done a quick study on the diamond shape of dots and we settled on the round cornered squares (squircles) as an expression of the man/machine (natural.engineered) concept so vital to IBM Plex. You’ll note all the dots are this same shape throughout Plex Arabic.