
CpoException: Executable file should be given in 'execfile' context attribute.

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I wanted to run one of the examples on my laptop but I got an error in the following cell:

# Solve the model
print("\nSolving model....")
msol = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=20)

The error is:
CpoException: Executable file should be given in 'execfile' context attribute.

Did anyone else had the same problem, please?

Thank you for your help.

In order to solve constraint programming models, docplex needs the cpoptimizer executable (cpoptimizer.exe on Windows) to be in your PATH.
This executable is in your <COS_INSTALLATION_DIR>/cpoptimizer/bin/x64_win64 directory if you are on windows (replace x64_win64 with your platform).
Best regards,

Thank you for the hint. Solved by pip install cplex