
DB2 installation feature

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Since DB2 is a required dependent service, the helm chart should allow the optional installation of DB2.

Closing this one out. We rarely install the database into Kube anymore. Usually we just provision an instance of a cloud-hosted database and use that, and let the hyperscaler manage all of the storage, backup/restore, HA, DR, etc. stuff for us, and we just pay-as-you-go, rather than buying an up-front license. These days we use PostgreSQL most of the time as the database, though we do still support DB2 (largely for mainframe modernization scenarios), as well as MS SQL Server (mostly in Azure) and others. These days CI/CD pipelines tend to take care of provisioning of services required by an application, such as for the database, a Redis cache, a Kafka, a MongoDB, etc. We've also explored doing this via Terraform, CloudFormation, and Crossplane. But the net is, it's no longer a best practice (if it ever was?) to have the helm chart/operator of the application to install other products into the Kube cluster, which was largely an artifact of the on-prem private cloud days.