
Provide and test script to update gh-pages

Closed this issue · 2 comments

A script to update the documentation webpages needs to be added, and tested. It can be copied from the inet toolkit and adapted for DPS needs. Open questions:

  • shall we keep documentation for older versions in the gh-pages branch by creating new directories for each new release. Or is there a mechanism with tags on gh-pages branch available ?
  • shall we try to maintain gh-pages documentation for the develop branch ?

Some regulations:

  • gh-pages will be updated only on release (master branch), no updates for develop branch
  • for each new version there will be a folder with the version number in the doc dir. Example : .../ where the en_US and the icons folders will be copied
  • instead of providing a script, the necessary changes will be documented
  • DPS SPD doc upgraded.
  • DPS gh-pages and broken links fixed.