
Parameter guaranteeOrdering=true reduces producer throughput

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When the KafkaProducer's parameter guaranteeOrdering is true the operator automatically sets to 1 when retries are enabled (retries > 0).
Allowing only one in-flight PRODUCE request, reduces throughput to the broker.

The better choice would be enable.idempotence=true, which allows <= 5 for maximum throughput.

As a dependency, acks must be set to all, when enable.idempotence is set true. Otherwise a ConfigException will be thrown.

When using Kafka 0.10.2 (still supported):

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException: Attempting to use idempotence with a broker which does not support the required message format (v2). The broker must be version 0.11 or later.

Using the idempotent producer requires dropping the support of Kafka 0.10.2 when the guaranteeOrdering parameter is used with true.

resolved in Release 3.0.0.