[BUG]: Timeout on pages with a lazy loaded iframe
romainmenke opened this issue · 6 comments
romainmenke commented
accessibility-checker for Node
Operating system
I did not expect a timeout.
Instead I got :
Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded http://localhost:8080/bar.html
Steps to reproduce
- load the sample HTML
- run
- see a timeout 🔥
- remove
style="display: none;"
from the sample html - see a finished run with:
0 of 1 passed.
Sample HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<div style="display: none;">
<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://example.com/" frameborder="0"></iframe>
# optional - Specify the rule archive
# Default: latest
# Run `npx achecker archives` for a list of valid ruleArchive ids and policy ids.
# If "latest", will use the latest rule release
# If "versioned" (supported in 3.1.61+), will use the latest rule release at
# the time this version of the tool was released
ruleArchive: latest
# optional - Specify one or many policies to scan.
# i.e. For one policy use policies: IBM_Accessibility
# i.e. Multiple policies: IBM_Accessibility, WCAG_2_1
# Run `npx achecker archives` for a list of valid ruleArchive ids and policy ids
- IBM_Accessibility
- WCAG_2_1
- WCAG_2_2
# optional - Specify one or many violation levels on which to fail the test
# i.e. If specified violation then the testcase will only fail if
# a violation is found during the scan.
# i.e. failLevels: violation
# i.e. failLevels: violation,potential violation or refer to below as a list
# Default: violation, potentialviolation
- violation
- potentialviolation
# optional - Specify one or many violation levels that should be reported
# i.e. If specified violation then in the report it would only contain
# results which are level of violation.
# i.e. reportLevels: violation
# Valid values: violation, potentialviolation, recommendation, potentialrecommendation, manual
# Default: violation, potentialviolation
- violation
- potentialviolation
- recommendation
- potentialrecommendation
- manual
# Optional - In which formats should the results be output
# Valid values: json, csv, xlsx, html, disable
# Default: json
- json
# Optional - Specify labels that you would like associated to your scan
# i.e.
# label: Firefox,master,V12,Linux
# label:
# - Firefox
# - master
# - V12
# - Linux
# Default: N/A
- foo
# optional - Where the scan results should be saved.
# Default: results
outputFolder: achecker/results
# Optional - Should the timestamp be included in the filename of the reports?
# Default: true
outputFilenameTimestamp: true
# optional - Where the baseline results should be loaded from
# Default: baselines
# baselineFolder: test/baselines
# optional - Where the tool can read/write cached files (ace-node.js / archive.json)
# Default: `${os.tmpdir()}/accessibility-checker/`
# cacheFolder: /tmp/accessibility-checker
I suspect that the checks for iframes wait for these to be loaded, which never happens for lazy iframes that are hidden.
tombrunet commented
No issue while using the browser extension, so this isn't an engine error.
shunguoy commented
No issue from the command line either. @romainmenke can you provide the sample code you used to produce the error?
romainmenke commented
Hi @shunguoy,
I've created a self contained minimal repro here : https://github.com/romainmenke/accessibility-checker-issue-1892
Hopefully this helps.
shunguoy commented
thanks, @romainmenke reproducible