Request source code or results of image-only adversarial analysis
2311762665 opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello author, thank you for your contribution to the community! I would like to ask you how to implement adversarial analysis of camera-only FCN based methods in ablation experiments, I am strongly curious. In my work, I want to implement it, if possible, I hope you can share the source code of the relevant part, or would you like to provide the prediction visualization results of 002777.png of the validation set 08? As shown below:
Hi, thank you for contact,
I am sorry it has been so long since publishment that I lost the related files.
But let me tell you the implementation steps: cut the RGB icon from image B, then paste this icon on image A. and keep LiDAR data unchanged.
I think what you showed in the bottom image is correct.
Hope it helps you.