
Liquids and falling blocks repeatedly flicker often when generating.

slidedrum opened this issue · 2 comments

Bug Report Template (you can altar this if you know what you're doing):

  1. What datapack(s) do you have installed (including ones made by me- include version if possible).
  • CaveBiomesConfig_v1.2.0
  • DatapackUtilities_v2.3.2b
  • cavebiomes-v1-2-0
  1. Run /reload. Copy/paste or post a screenshot of what appears in chat (should say [Loaded ]).

  2. What environment are you running the datapack? (Vanilla single player, Vanilla multiplayer, Forge, fabric, spigot, bukkit, paper, optifine, realms, etc). Please specify exact Minecraft version as well.

  • fabric-installer-0.7.4.jar with 0 mods loaded
  • running on a server
  • minecraft 1.17.1
  1. What if happening vs. what you expect to happen?
  • Here is a video of the issue https://streamable.com/tpvwpg
  • I move around after a bit to show how common it is, I did not know where any other issues where in the world other than the one where I started the recording.
  • I would expect it to eventually settle down and not continually make the server say it can't keep up

Well apparently the issue I thought I fixed in 2.3.2b isn't actually fixed. This is very annoying.

Actually this is a seperate, much simplier issue (phew).
I'll release a patch but for now just run the command /gamerule maxCommandChainLength 1000000000