
Model Diagnostics Checklist

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Related to #1208

This issue is to track general steps and tasks related to the new DiagnosticsToolbox class.

First Steps:

  • Create new DiagnosticsToolbox class - PR #1228
  • Structural Issues report
    • Model statistics - PR #1228
    • Unit consistency - PR #1228
    • D-M decomposition - PR #1228
    • Pyomo tool to detect potential evaluation errors - PR #1268
  • Numerical Issues report - PR #1228
    • Variables with no value or values near bounds or zero
    • Scaling issues
    • Jacobian analysis and condition number
  • Methods to assert no diagnostics issues found (for testing) - PR #1228
  • Basic documentation and examples - PR #1228
    • Run a Usability Study with team

Next Steps:

  • Integrate parameter sweep capabilities - PR #1284
    • standardize API for parameter sweep/model convergence analysis
    • Use Pysmo for parameter sampling
    • Extend diagnostics tools to support multiple samples
  • Integrate Block-Triangularization decomposition into tools
    • Allow numerical analysis on independent sub-blocks
  • Add SVD analysis to new class - PR #1256
    • Address issues with SVD tool - at least partially in PR #1256
  • Rewrite degeneracy hunter as part of new class - PR #1256
    • deprecate old DegeneracyHunter class
  • Extended documentation and examples
  • Methods to return the variables/constraints associated with the feedback (e.g., "get_poorly_scaled_variables" etc) would be useful so that once I know which variables or constraints I need to scale, I can quickly access them (particularly in the case where there is discretization and there is a whole set of variables that need similar scaling)
  • For the large residuals utility, printing more information (e.g., the magnitude of the residual, possibly sorted) would be helpful
  • Support for binary and integer variables
  • Residuals checks should ignore satisfied inequalities

Possible extensions:

- [ ] Tool to detect linearly dependent equations?

  • Tool to detect high index DAEs?

@andrewlee94 I just tried using the new toolbox on a complex flowsheet ("extended" BSM2 flowsheet involving activated sludge and anaerobic digestion models that you formerly worked on in WaterTAP), and I was thinking that it would be a nice bonus to be able to have a method that, after a failed solve, write the IPOPT output as well as other useful information, especially, constraint residuals, to a file for the user to more easily review. Right now, I am doing this by running

results = solve_flowsheet(model)

The print_infeasible_constraints() function is from watertap.core.util.infeasible.model_diagnostics.infeasible and I could technically write these to their own file (the function provides that capability). I thought it'd be nice to essentially slap a report of numerical issues, with IPOPT output, a list of infeasible constraints with residual values, and whatever else we think would be useful into some external file for the user to (a) keep a record and (b) more easily sift through the report. Hopefully that made sense.

On a side note, I probably should double-check your implementation of methods regarding extreme_jacobians before mentioning this, but I think I am getting different results when using the new methods to list extreme jacobian values in comparison with existing methods, e.g., that check extreme jac rows and columns (i.e., one list of variables with extreme jac values is longer than the other and contains different values). Additionally, when I get the initial report from report_numerical_issues(), I notice that the warning and caution sections list a different number of extreme values to be wary of, e.g.:

Ignoring the horrible results here (set max_iter to 1 right before restoration), my question is what is the difference between what is shown in the Warning section vs Caution section? For example, the Warning section states there are 3 variables with extreme jac values, but the Caution section states that there are 286 variables with extreme jac values. Apologies in advance for the loaded post.

@adam-a-a I'll start with the Jacobian's as those are easy to mention. The DiagnosticsToolbox has two sets of tolerances for the Jacobian, one for warnings and one for cautions, with the aim of having a warning only trigger on really bad cases, but the cautions showing a broader list of not-great-but-maybe-ok values. These tolerances are probably slightly different to the defaults used by the underlying methods, hence the different results.

Regarding printing to a file, all of the report and display methods take a stream argument, which can be a file read/write object.

@andrewlee94 Thanks for the clarification. I wonder if we'd want to hint at that in the printout from report_numerical_issues (i.e., Warning--> more severe, Caution --> less severe, maybe with tolerances considered for each.) With a little thought, one could logically deduce that this is the case, but it wasn't immediately apparent to me whether this was intentional or some sort of mistake with the method (again, I probably should've dug into the code to find out).

EDIT: later noticed that the doc string does explain this already.

Seconding @adam-a-a's comment: it would be helpful if the Warnings / Cautions included the thresholds for each of the warnings; e.g.:

Warning: 3 Variables with extreme Jacobian values (<1e-8 or >1e8)
Caution: 286 Variables with extreme Jacobian values (<1e-4 or >1e4)