New terms for CMI-PB

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I need the following terms for the CMI-PB project. I'd like to reserve these IDs and use them right away:

ID Label Parent
ONTIE:0003550 Pertussis toxin complex GO protein complex
ONTIE:0003551 Pertussis toxin complex, inactivated by PFA Pertussis toxin complex
ONTIE:0003552 Pertussis toxin complex, inactivated mutant Pertussis toxin complex
ONTIE:0003553 mixture of Fim2 and Fim3 ChEBI mixture?

It's worthwhile creating a protein-complex template to handle the first three. I guess it makes sense for the fourth to also go on that sheet, even though it's a mixture and not actually a complex.

We have a list of parts for 'Pertussis toxin complex' and 'mixture of Fim2 and Fim3' but they're UniProt IDs. Please check if they're in PR.

Uniprot Label Synonym
P04977 Pertussis toxin subunit 1
P04978 Pertussis toxin subunit 2
P04979 Pertussis toxin subunit 3
P0A3R5 Pertussis toxin subunit 4
P04981 Pertussis toxin subunit 5
Q5I8X0 Fimbrial protein Fim2
A0A171JW18 Fimbrial protein Fim3 Fim3

If those are in PR, should I import them?

Yes please. If any of them are not in PR, please just include the Uniprot IDs as an rdfs:comment for now.