
Design: improve UI of the app

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Enhance the app's navigation by adding a bottom navigation bar with two primary tabs: "Dashboard" and "Playlist Add/Remove View". Also create a Dashboard UI, which includes a textbox for entering a genre or mood and a button to initiate playlist selection.

Tips for the issue:

  • feel free to give a new look to the app

To do:

  • Ask us to assign the issue.
  • Once the issue is assigned, you can start working on it.
  • Create a PR



The task is assigned to contributors on a first-come, first-serve basis, and the contributor has to report progress every 3 days to ensure active development on the tasks. If you need any help feel free to tag and message

1.) do we need to make bottom app bar like instagram , 1st for Dashboard and 2nd for Playlist?
2.) and a search bar UI in dashboard to initiate playlist selection ?
if this is the issue please assign me this.

@D-extremity yup that's the idea I have
Feel free to change ui, come up with something better, also keep me in the loop whatever changes you do..
You can Start working this issue is urs now
Happy coding ❤️

@dk-a-dev merge it please 🙌🏻✨

@D-extremity yup bro, i was little busy :) exams:(
I currently reviewing will merge it dw

@dk-a-dev okay okay ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ actually I also have exams from tomorrow that's why I am in panick mode ....
Okay no issue merge it asap🙌🏻✨