
Implement new design for the TUI

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments

Make a UI design for the TUI in a design software like Figma, Adobe Xd, or Sketch.

We're looking for a design where we can accommodate a search bar, a list view of the available templates, and a preview of the boilerplate repository if possible. Any further additions are welcome.

Give a link to your design file in the README while making the PR, and make sure the link that you give is made public. (You may also include screenshots of the design in the PR if you wish)

Hello, this took me 5-10 minutes to ideate and make, love this, I'll learn some rust and try to contribute
๐Ÿ”— : Figma Link

I think showing some repo stats is a good idea, I'd love to know about the number of open issues and stars atleast



Edit: updated screenshot to show selected state

I'll make this a PR if I'm short on hacktoberfest contributions ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lol. They look great! Thanks a lot for the contribution! You can go ahead and open a PR with just the figma link, and we'd be happy to accept it :)

Should I put it in the readme?

Yes, definitely! BTW, If you could add some colour in the designs, would be great!

Yes, definitely! BTW, If you could add some colour in the designs, would be great!

sure, should I go with hacktoberfest theme?


closing as complete.