
Smooth Velocity Control using iiwa/command/JointVelocity

priyampnchl opened this issue · 4 comments

Using iiwa/commmand/JointVelocity and publishing at 10Hz, I am getting jerky motion on the joints. It seems that the robot is drifting, and correcting the error, giving jerky acceleration instead of a steady movement. After experimenting with different publish rates, it seems that the issue is rate invariant.

did you manage to resolve the issue? I am facing the exact same problem. Even using a Realtime Kernel did not help much.

I think the issue has to do with the fact that this implementation uses the Java port and communicates via TCP which is not ideal for real-time control, nor is the Java port recommended for such an implementation. I am currently experimenting with epfl-lasa/iiwa_ros which uses FRI, but I am facing a different set of issues entirely.

I also have the same question why ROS machine cannot communicate with the kuka iiwa in real time. When I subscribed sensor data (such as JointPosition and JointTorque) from kuka iiwa, package loss occured.

Just chiming in to say that this may be because the acceleration in joint position/impedance modes is very high, and I've not found a way to actually reduce it. Also see #286