
PER Process Flow

udaynwa opened this issue · 0 comments


Phase Trigger description Trigger in brief Comments
Orientation Orientation is the first phase. On the Overview form, when entering the date of the orientation (which is a mandatory field in the Orientation section of the Overview form) and then saving, the phase of the process will be set in Orientation phase. This is not a mandatory phase, users can go straight to the Assessment section of the Overview form and continue the process from there, and in this case the Orientation phase would not be triggered. Orientation date saved
Assessment Assessment phase will be determined when saving as draft any Area form (from 1 to 5). Any Assessment form (area 1 to area 5) saved as draft
Prioritisation The phase will change to Prioritisation once the Assessment is submitted (not saved as draft but final submit) Assessment is submitted (final submit)
Workplan On the Prioritisation form, when saving the form by clicking on the "Select and add to Work-Plan" button, the phase will change to Workplan. At least one component must be checked by the user in the prioritization form to allow the user to move to the workplan. Prioritisation form saved (Select and add to work-plan button)
Action and accountability On the Workplan form, when saving the form by clicking on the "Save and finalize Work-Plan" button, the phase will change to Action and accountability. Workplan form saved (Save and finalize work-plan button) Action and accountability phase itself is not reflected in the GO PER forms. This phase means that the work plan is being implemented, that actions are being taken. In this sense, and since is the last phase of the PER process, it is important to establish it in the "PER phase" field even if is not related to a form or specific activity in GO.


Workflow sheet