
IFRC Delegation Offices Data Maintenance

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Last year, we received a request from the Health & Care department for the exact coordinates of the IFRC Office delegation. The old data utilized city centroids as coordinates, which prompted us to initiate a process to collect accurate data from the regions. During this process, we discovered the absence of a systematic approach to maintaining this data and identified various sites engaging in parallel tabulation of the same information without a clear maintenance process. This has led to discrepancies across different sites citing the same data.

During the GO sprint discussion, we began an effort to identify data owners for the datasets on the GO platform but were unable to pinpoint a specific owner of the delegations offices data. We then approached the OSG, who tasked the Global IT Planning & Project Management Unit with leading this process. Their ongoing work to transition away from FedNet and ensure easy maintenance of data aligns closely with our intended goal.

This ticket will track and share the progress of this exercise. In the comments below, I will share the work done by Fiona and Jonathan in compiling similar information, which I believe will provide a solid foundation for this initiative.

From Fiona
@Jonathan Garro
@David Muchatiza

  • I worked a little more on my master spreadsheet as part of the region map I'm making, and noticed that what's currently on the IFRC website (https://www.ifrc.org/national-societies-directory/) has changed a bit since I last looked at this several months ago. Some clusters have disappeared entirely (eg, North Africa CCD has gone), and new country delegations have been added (mainly in MENA).
    Some have had their naming convention changed (mainly in AP) to now list all the countries, rather than being named after the city where it is based. I checked in with
    @Dedi Junadi
    as some countries are no longer included in their old clusters, but this appears to be an error (New Zealand and Singapore no longer feature - see https://www.ifrc.org/national-societies-directory/Asia%20Pacific, although Dedi understands them still to be in the clusters as they previously were).
    @David Muchatiza
    I'm not sure who manages the website content, but it may be worth clarifying with them so the content can be correct.
    If/when the delegation and CCD data goes onto GO, there are also some inconsistencies which could be ironed out (eg, some list the CCD location but not all, and some old names exist, such as Swaziland not Eswatini).

Fiona Harvey
3 hours ago
if helpful, here is the old/2023, and current/2024 versions. I've stripped out the BRC data, so this is just copies of the IFRC data as is on GO (countries, territories and regions) and from the website (cluster delegations and CCDs). In the 2024 version I have split country delegations and CCDs into 2 separate columns (which I should have done before, but now necessary as some countries (Ukraine and Moldova) have both! (edited)

I checked with web team, the Regional pages in the NS Directory on ifrc.org have their wording updated by the GVA comms team, whilst the details on individual National Society pages are automatically imported from the National Societies database.
The comms team are checking with APRO re what amendments should be made for NZ and Singapore.