Collection of data science projects in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Advanced analytics, algorithms, ML, AI.
RCRC Data Science
Collection of data science projects and resources in the IFRC network, roughly divided by area of application. Its main purpose is to raise awareness of what other National Societies are doing to motivate bilateral exchanges. If there is any error in the information provided please open an issue. If you want to add a new project, send us an email or open a pull request.
1. Disasters, Climate and Crises
RCRC Member
COVID-19 Vulnerability Index
Identify areas vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19. Code available here.
Trigger, manage and execute RCRC Early Action Protocols (EAP) for natural disasters. Currently supporting several forecasting models (flood, heavy rainfall, tropical cyclone, dengue). Code available here.
Analyses relating to how the Ukraine conflict has and could impact the UK. This includes a simulation-based approach to predicting arrivals and a housing insecurity Index. Code available here.
Pulled data on prices of rental properties from Polish property listing sites, to provide data on price and availability for the shelter cluster in Poland, in response to the Ukraine crisis. Github here.
IFRC Geneva
Rapid response information management. Contact here.
2. Health and Care
RCRC Member
Community-Based Surveillance (CBS)
A platform that allows real-time detection, reporting, aggregation, and analysis of information on community health risks. Code available here
Pulls together data on National Societies/ countries, and processes the data into a consistent format for analysis or visualisation. Get access on Github here.
Scrapping of National Society Annual and Operational Reports for any mentions of disability. This project sought to assess the National Society’s inclusion of disability needs in their programs. Code available here
Periodically queries Twitter for specified key words, as well as the tweets from specified users, storing the relevant results in a google sheet for later manual review. Code available here