
Swift Bridging-Header import error help.

kimjiwook opened this issue · 4 comments

pod install (Next)
Swift Project Bridging-Hearder.h
import JazzHands.. Buil Error help me..

JazzHandsDemo (The run is well)

2014-12-05 5 12 09
2014-12-05 5 12 26


I do not know what became fixed.
Other Source Import Passing time Resolution..

Thank you..

2014-12-05 5 34 22

You might also find it helpful to add an @import UIKit; in your bridging header. This should probably be in the JazzHands header as well; I will add it.

i find that in IFTTTAnimationFrame.h @import UIKit didn't add

When I installed JazzHands to swift 1.2 project, there was an issue: cannot find interface declaration for 'nsobject' superclass of IFTTTAnimator. After adding "#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>" in IFTTTAnimator.h, the problem is solved.