
What does M34 mean?

codeOfRobin opened this issue · 3 comments

The term M34 appears in many places, for example in the demo example:

    IFTTTTransform3D *tt1 = [IFTTTTransform3D transformWithM34:0.03f];

What exactly does this mean?

These are values used in CATransform3D structs in QuartzCore and Core Animation for three-dimensional transforms. Check out Apple's documentation on Core Animation and CATransform for more details.

So, it's the m34 element in this matrix?
screen shot 2014-12-18 at 12 53 55 am

Could you explain if there's any physical significance to this value? From my testing, it appears that a higher value corresponds to a "faster" animation, so to speak.

See also this answer and the linked Wiki article.